Thank you for your interest in joining one of my teams! Please enter your Info below and check the box(es) to join my ARC team, my Street team, and/or my Review (Nov 1-5 only) team.
ARC Team – read my books before they’re published about ten days prior to publishing. You’ll receive a free advanced e-copy (through BookSprout only) in exchange for an honest review on Amazon and/or GoodReads. My next book is scheduled for release on November 18, 2023.
Street team – This new team is for those fans who would be willing to promote and/or hype my books for free, either pre- or post-release. I’m happy to provide promotional digital material as needed.
Review Team (Nov 1-5, 2023 only) – My debut novel is available for free until November 5th. I’ll send you the link to download on or before November 5th (however you can take all the time you need after download to read and review). I’d appreciate more honest reviews, which are of course optional.
Thank you!
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